PyGaze - documentation - eyetracker
The eyetracker library is used to create EyeTracker objects, to communicate with an eye tracker. Both SMI and EyeLink systems are supported, as well as a dummy mode, which uses the mouse to simulate eye movements.
arguments | |
display | a libscreen.Display object |
keyword arguments | |
trackertype | the eye tracker type (a string value), indicating which type of tracker is attached; should be 'eyelink', 'smi', 'tobii', or 'dummy' (default = TRACKERTYPE) |
resolution | display resolution (tuple or list), e.g. (1280,1024) (default = DISPSIZE) |
eyedatafile | the name (string value) for the file in which gaze data will be stored (default = LOGFILENAME) |
logfile | logfile name (string value); note that this is the name for the SMI logfile, NOT the .idf file (default = LOGFILE) |
fgc | the foreground colour: a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB tuple (e.g. (255,0,0)) (default = FGC) |
bgc | the background colour: a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB tuple (e.g. (255,0,0)) (default = BGC) |
saccvelthresh | saccade velocity threshold in degrees of visual angle per second (default = SACCVELTHRESH) |
saccaccthresh | saccade acceleration threshold in degrees of visual angle per square second (default = SACCACCTHRESH) |
ip | SMI ONLY: internal ip address for iViewX (default = SMIIP) |
sendport | SMI ONLY: port number for iViewX sending (default = SMISENDPORT) |
receiveport | SMI ONLY: port number for iViewX receiving (default = SMIRECEIVEPORT) |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
None | puts tracker into calibration mode; if an SMI tracker is used, a calibration report is added to the SMI logfile and some properties are updated (i.e. the thresholds for detection algorithms) |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
None | saves data and sets self.connected to False |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
None | True if connection is established, False if not; sets self.connected to the same value |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
pos | (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) |
fix_triggered | Boolean indicating if drift check should be performed based on gaze position (if fix_triggered = True) or on spacepress (if fix_triggered = False) (default = False) |
returns | |
checked | Boolean indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
pos | (x, y) position of the fixation dot or None for a central fixation (default = None) |
min_samples | minimal amount of samples after which an average deviation is calculated (default = 10) |
max_dev | maximal gaze deviation from fixation in pixels (default = 60) |
reset_threshold | if the horizontal or vertical distance in pixels between two consecutive samples is larger than this threshold, the sample collection is reset (default = 30) |
returns | |
checked | Boolean indicating if drift check is ok (True) or not (False); or calls self.calibrate if 'q' or 'escape' is pressed |
arguments | |
var | variable name |
val | variable value |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
None | uses native log function of iViewX to write to the SMIlog (SMI) or writes to the EDF (EyeLink) to include a line in the log file in a "var NAME VALUE" layout |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
pupilsize | returns pupil diameter for the eye that is currently being tracked (as specified by self.eye_used) or None when no data is obtainable |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
sample | an (x,y) gaze position tuple or (-1,-1) on an error |
arguments | |
cmd | the command (a string value) to be sent to iViewX (SMI) or to the EyeLink |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
None |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
None | sets self.recording to True when recording is successfully started |
arguments | |
msg | a message (string value) to be displayed on the EyeLink PC |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
None | displays a message on the EyeLink PC; for SMI this method simply passes |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
None | sets self.recording to False when recording is successfully stopped |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
time | timestamp of the end of a blink |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
time | timestamp of the start of a blink |
arguments | |
event | for EyeLink, event should be a pylink event (e.g. pylink.ENDSACC); for SMI it should be an integer event code, one of the following:
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
outcome | for EyeLink, FloatData for the specified event is returned; for SMI a self.wait_for_* method is called, depending on the specified event, the return values of corresponding method are returned |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
time, startpos, endpos | time is a timestamp (ms) of a fixation end, startpos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation started, endpos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position on which the fixation ended |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
time, startpos | time is a timestamp (ms) of a fixation end, startpos is a (x,y) gaze position tuple of the position from which the fixation started |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
endtime, startpos, endpos | endtime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos and endpos are (x,y) gaze position tuples |
arguments | |
None | |
keyword arguments | |
None | |
returns | |
starttime, startpos | starttime in milliseconds (from expbegintime); startpos is an (x,y) gaze position tuple |
full source
You can find the full source code for on GitHub.
Please note that the EyeTracker class simply morphes into the class that is responsible for communication with a different type of eye trackers. Each of these classes contains the methods described above. Which class will be morphed into, depends on a user's preference. For the full source code of every individual eye tracker class, see below.
EyeLink | |
SMI | |
dummy | |