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I’m Edwin, a Research Associate at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at the University of Cambridge. My interests include cognitive neuroscience, tech, teaching, and posting links to videos of cats on professional websites. Scroll down for more info. |
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Past and current positions
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University of CambridgeResearch Associate, October 2017 – Present At the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, I work with Duncan Astle to investigate resilience in children. Specifically, our team is trying to figure out what cognitive, character, and brain factors make some children flourish despite adversity. We collect data using iPad tests and neuroimaging (MEG and MRI), and leverage ‘Big Data’ and machine learning in an attempt to make sense of it. |
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University of OxfordEarly Stage Research Fellow, July 2014 – October 2017 As a PhD student at the Cognitive Neurology lab of Masud Husain, I was funded through a Marie Curie grant provided by the European Commission, titled Individualised Diagnostics and Rehabilitation for Attentional Disorders (INDIREA). My research focussed on (in)attention and working memory, specifically on the fundamental mechanism by which we form short-term memories, and on finding potential neuropharmacological treatments of inattention. |
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Utrecht UniversityResearch Assistant, September 2011 – July 2014 As a Research Assistant in the Department of Experimental Psychology, I helped running research projects (collecting data, programming experiments, and developing data analysis software). Most of the projects concerned eye movements and psychophysics, and are slowly starting to make their way to publication. As a Teaching Assistant, I helped with five BSc modules and two MSc modules. I taught practicals, developed course materials, and gave a well-received lecture to about 350 Psychology undergraduates. |
My publications are listed below. Bold indicates my name, asterisks (*) indicate shared first authorship. If you spot anything that could be useful, please don’t hesitate to contact me, so I can send you a copy.
Books and Chapters
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Anwyl-Irvine, A.L., Bignardi, G., Hauk, O., & Astle, D.E. (2021). Magnetoencephalography and developmental cognitive neuroscience. In: K. Cohen Kadosh (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198827474.013.5
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2016). Python for Experimental Psychologists. Abbingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge (part of Taylor and Francis Publishing Group). Preview and buy it here!
Technical reports
These will likely not be submitted for peer review due to limited additional usability.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2014). Is the low-cost EyeTribe eye tracker any good for research? PeerJ PrePrints, 2:e585v1. doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.585v1
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Van Rheede, J., Sperr, E.V., & Tkotz, J. (2021). Banana for scale: Gauging trends in academic interest by normalising publication rates to common and innocuous keywords. arXiv, 2102.06418
A pre-print is a preliminary but public version of a paper. Usually they are currently undergoing peer review. Pre-prints of peer-reviewed and published articles are listed alongside their respective publications.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (pre-print). Twin studies with unmet assumptions are biased towards genetic heritability. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2020.08.27.270801
- Dalmaijer, E.S., & Armstrong, T. (pre-print). The human behavioural immune system is a product of cultural evolution. arXiv, 2008.13211.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Bignardi, G., Anwyl-Irvine, A., Smith, T., Siugzdaite, R., Uh, S., Johnson, A., & Astle, D.E. (pre-print). Direct and indirect links between children’s socio-economic status and education: Pathways via mental health, attitude, and cognition. PsyArXiv, yfn56. doi:10.31234/osf.io/yfn56
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Knapton, H., Husain, M., Holmqvist, K., & Niehorster, D.C. (pre-print). Division of labour is biased towards equality amongst collaborators in a dyadic short-term memory task. PsyArXiv, 4bjyw. doi:10.31234/osf.io/4bjyw
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Manohar, S.G., & Husain, M. (pre-print). Parallel encoding of information into visual short-term memory. bioRxiv, 398990. doi:10.1101/398990
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Nord, C.L. & Astle, D.E. (pre-print). Statistical power for cluster analysis. arXiv, 2003.00381.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Nord, C.L., Bignardi, G., Anwyl-Irvine, A., Siugzdaite, R., Smith, T., Uh, S., Billing, A., & Astle, D.E. (pre-print). Cognitive profile partly mediates allergy-associated decrease in mental health. medRxiv. doi:10.1101/2020.02.01.20019778
accepted and in press
- Uh, S., Dalmaijer, E.S., Siugzdaite, R., Ford, T.J., & Astle, D.E. (accepted). Two pathways to self-harm in adolescence. Journal of the American Academy for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Pre-print available via medRxiv, doi:10.1101/2020.07.10.20150789
- Anwyl-Irvine, Dalmaijer, E.S., Quinn, A., Johnson, A., & Astle, D.E. (2021). Subjective SES is associated with children’s neurophysiological response to auditory oddballs. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2(1), tgaa092. doi:10.1093/texcom/tgaa092
Preprint available via: PsyArXiv, pwe3s, doi:10.31234/osf.io/pwe3s
- Armstrong, T., Stewart, J.G., Dalmaijer, E.S., Rowe, M., Danielson, S., Engel, M., Bailey, B., & Morris, M. (in press). I’ve seen enough! Prolonged and repeated exposure to disgusting stimuli increases oculomotor avoidance. Emotion. doi:10.1037/emo0000919
Preprint available via PsyArXiv, hgkpu: doi:10.31234/osf.io/hgkpu
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Lee, A., Leiter, R., Brown, Z., & Armstrong, T. (in press). Forever yuck: Oculomotor avoidance of disgusting stimuli resists habitiation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. doi:10.1037/xge0001006
Preprint available via PsyArXiv, 36a4t. doi:10.31234/osf.io/36a4t
- Nord*, C.S., Dalmaijer*, E.S., Armstrong, T., Baker, K., & Dalgleish, T. (2021). A causal role for gastric rhythm in human disgust avoidance. Current Biology, 31, p. 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.10.087
- Anwyl-Irvine, Dalmaijer, E.S., Hodges, N., & Evershed, J. (in press). Online timing accuracy and precision: a comparison of platforms, browsers, and participant’s devices. Behavior Research Methods. doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01501-5
Preprint available via: PsyArXiv, jfeca, doi:10.31234/osf.io/jfeca
- Bignardi, G., Dalmaijer, E.S., Anwyl-Irvine, A., & Astle, D. (in press). Collecting Big Data with small screens: Using touchscreen tablets for brief and reliable assessments of cognitive ability. Behavior Research Methods doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01503-3
Preprint available via OSF PrePrints, aw6c5. doi:10.31219/osf.io/aw6c5
- Bignardi, G., Dalmaijer, E.S., Anwyl-Irvine, A., Smith, T.A., Siugzdaite, R., Uh, S., & Astle, D. (in press). Longitudinal increases in childhood depression during the COVID-19 lockdown in a UK cohort. Archives of Disease in Childhood. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2020-320372
Copy available via Cambridge’s repository. doi: 10.17863/CAM.60688
Preprint available via OSF PrePrints, v7f3q. doi:10.31219/osf.io/v7f3q
- Defoe, I.N., Dubas, J., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Van Aken, M. (2020). Is the peer presence effect on heightened adolescent risky decision making only present in males? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40, p. 693-705. doi:10.1007/s10964-019-01179-9.
- Muhammed, K., Dalmaijer, E. S., Manohar, S., & Husain, M. (2020). Voluntary modulation of saccadic peak velocity associated with individual differences in motivation. Cortex, 122, p. 198-212. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2018.12.001
- Benjamins*, J.S., Dalmaijer*, E.S., Ten Brink, A.F., Nijboer, T.C.W., & Van der Stigchel, S. (2019). Multi-target visual search organisation across the lifespan: Cancellation task performance in a large and demographically stratified sample of healthy adults. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 26(5), p. 731-748. doi:10.1080/13825585.2018.1521508
Pre-print available via bioRxiv, 307520. doi:10.1101/307520
- Husta, C., Dalmaijer, E., Belopolsky, A., & Mathôt, S. (2019). The pupillary light response reflects visual working memory content. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(11), p. 1522–1528. doi: 10.1037/xhp0000689
Pre-print available via bioRxiv, 477562. doi:10.1101/477562
- Sahan, M.I., Dalmaijer, E.S., Verguts, T., Husain, M., & Fias, W. (2019). The graded fate of unattended stimulus representations in visuospatial working memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:374. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00374
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2018). Beyond the vestibulo-ocular reflex: Vestibular input is processed centrally to achieve visual stability. Vision, 2(2), 16. doi:10.3390/vision2020016
- Dalmaijer*, E.S., Li*, K.M.S., Gorgoraptis, N., Leff, A.P., Cohen, D.L., Parton, A.D., Husain, M., & Malhotra, P.A. (2018). Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of single-dose guanfacine in unilateral neglect following stroke. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 89(6), p. 593-598. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2017-317338
- Doherty, B.R., Charman, T., Johnson, M.H., Scerif, G., Gliga, T, & BASIS Team (Baron‐Cohen, S., Bedford, R., Bolton, P., Blasi, A., Cheung, C. Dalmaijer, E.S., Davies, K., Elsabbagh, M., Fernandes, J., Gammer, I., Guiraud, J., Johnson, M.H., Liew, M., Lloyd‐Fox, S., Maris, H., Hara, L., Pasco, G., Pickles, A., Ribeiro, H., Salomone, E., Tucker, L., Yemane, F.) (2018). Visual search and autism symptoms: What young children search for and co‐occurring ADHD matter. Developmental Science, 21(5), e12661. doi:10.1111/desc.12661
- Van Uijen, S. L., Dalmaijer, E. S., van den Hout, M. A., & Engelhard, I. M. (2018). Do safety behaviors preserve threat expectancy? Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 9(4). doi:10.1177/2043808718804430
- Te Pas, S.F., Pont, S.C., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Hooge, I.C.T. (2017). Perception of object illumination depends on highlights and shadows, not shading. Journal of Vision, 17:2. doi:10.1167/17.8.2
- Kanai, R., Dalmaijer, E.S., Sherman, M.T., Kawakita, G., & Paffen, C.L.E. (2017). Larger stimuli require longer processing time for perception. Perception, 46:5. doi:10.1177/0301006617695573
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Pama, E.A.C., & Prins, S. (2016). United Kingdom: Illness should not curtail PhD funding. Nature, 539, p. 495. doi:10.1038/539495e
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Nijenhuis, B.G., & Van der Stigchel, S. (2016). Commentary: Life is unfair, and so are racing sports: Some athletes can randomly benefit from alerting effects due to inconsistent starting procedures. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(119). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00119
- Mulckhuyse, M., & Dalmaijer, E.S. (2016). Distracted by danger: Temporal and spatial dynamics of visual selection in the presence of threat. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(2), p. 315-324. doi:10.3758/s13415-015-0391-2
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Nijenhuis, B.G., & Van der Stigchel, S. (2015). Life is unfair, and so are racing sports: Some athletes can randomly benefit from alerting effects due to inconsistent starting procedures. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1618). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01618
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Van der Stigchel, S, Nijboer, T.C., Cornelissen, T.H., & Husain, M. (2015). CancellationTools: All-in-one software for administration and analysis of cancellation tasks. Behavior Research Methods, 47(4), p. 1065-1075. doi:10.3758/s13428-014-0522-7 [PDF]
- Hoppenbrouwers, S.S., Van der Stigchel, S., Slotboom, J., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Theeuwes, J. (2015). Disentangling attentional deficits in psychopathy using visual search: failures in the use of contextual information. Personality and Individual Differences., 86, p. 132-138. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.06.009
- Mills, M., Dalmaijer, E.S., Van der Stigchel, S., & Dodd, M.D. (2015). Effects of task and task-switching on temporal inhibition of return, facilitation of return, and saccadic momentum during scene viewing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 41(5), p. 1300-1314. doi:10.1037/xhp0000076
- Bethlehem, R. A. I., Dumoulin, S. O., Dalmaijer, E. S., Smit, M., Berendschot, T. T. J. M., Nijboer, T. C. W., & Van der Stigchel, S. (2014). Decreased Fixation Stability of the Preferred Retinal Location in Juvenile Macular Degeneration. PLoS ONE, 9(6), e100171. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100171
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Mathôt, S., & Van der Stigchel, S. (2014). PyGaze: an open-source, cross-platform toolbox for minimal-effort programming of eye tracking experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 46, p. 913-921. doi:10.3758/s13428-013-0422-2 [PDF]
- Mathôt, S., Dalmaijer, E.S., Grainger, J., & Van der Stigchel, S. (2014). The pupillary light response reflects exogenous attention and inhibition of return. Journal of Vision, 14:7, 1-9. doi:10.1167/14.14.7 [PDF]
Other output
I’m always happy to teach workshops! The events listed here were all invited. If you feel like your university or event could use a Python workshop for experimental psychologists, please do feel free to contact me.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2020, October). Python Introduction. PyBrain, Cambridge, United Kingdom. [website] [GitHub] [YouTube]
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2018, July). OpenSesame and PyGaze Workshop and Consultation. University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. [materials]
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2017, December). Python Day. MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom. [materials]
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2017, August). Python for eye-tracking experiments and analysis. European Conference on Eye Movements, Wuppertal, Germany. [materials]
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2017, March). Python for Experimental Psychologists. EPOS Graduate School, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands. [materials]
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2014, May). Python for Experimental Psychologists. University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2014, Jan). Creating experiments using OpenSesame. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. [materials]
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2013). Creating experiments using OpenSesame. Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2020, October). Development of Disgust. Wednesday Lunchtime Seminar, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2020, July). Computing power for cluster analyses and other classification algorithms. Session on Statistical Power, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2020, January). Removing barriers to learning and retention. Royal Marsden Excellence in Education Conference, London, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2019, September). Big data statistics and high-resolution tests of cognition, attitudes, mental health, and socio-economic status reveal a complex interplay that shapes children’s educational outcomes. British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience, Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Lee, A., & Armstrong, T. (2019, August). You literally cannot pay me to look at poop: The astounding lack of habituation to disgust as measured through oculomotor avoidance. European Conference on Eye Movements, Alicante, Spain.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., & Astle, D.E. (2019, July). What can big datasets and multivariate models tell us about cognitive pathways to resilience in primary education? British Association for Psychopharmacology, Manchester, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2019, June). The crucial but precarious position of open-source software in science. Postdoc Neuroscience Network Symposium, Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2019, May). Using machine-learning to map the complex interplay between cognition, mental health, attitude, socio-economic status, and educational outcomes in a large sample of children aged 7-9. Cambridge Computational Biology Institute’s Annual Symposium, Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2019, February). You literally cannot pay me to look at poop: The astounding lack of habituation to disgust as measured through oculomotor avoidance. Wednesday Lunchtime Seminar, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2019, February). Open-source eye tracking demonstration. Big Data for Better Science event, Royal Society, London, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2018, December). Creating experiments in Python. Methods Day, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2018, November). Open source without the headaches. Open Science Day, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2018, October). How organised is human search? Wednesday Lunchtime Seminar, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2018, May). Artificial Intelligence in Psychology. Psychologist & Future Perspective Congress, Leiden, Netherlands.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Niehorster, D.C., Holmqvist, K., & Husain, M. (2017, August). Joint visual working memory through implicit collaboration. European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Wuppertal, Germany.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2016, November). Encoding of several items into visual working memory occurs in parallel. Donders Discussions, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2016, October). Joint visual working memory through implicit collaboration. Colloquium on multiple eye tracker classrooms, Lund, Sweden.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., (2016, July). Is encoding into visual working memory a serial process? CNN meeting, Ghent, Belgium
- Dalmaijer, E.S., (2016, March). Is encoding into visual working memory a serial process? OxVis (biannual meeting of Oxford vision scientists), Oxford, United Kingdom
- Dalmaijer, E.S., (2016, January). Is encoding into visual working memory a serial process? Working Memory Day, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Dalmaijer, E.S., (2015, November). Is encoding into visual working memory a serial process? Evidence from computational modelling. DPhil Seminar, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Dalmaijer, E.S., King, R.L., Oderkerk, C.A.T. (2015, June). The limits of Visual Working Memory. Center for Visual Cognition, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Dalmaijer, E.S. (2015, March). Open source software in Experimental Psychology. Attention, Brain and Cognitive Development Lab, Oxford, United Kingdom. [slides]
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Nierop, L.E. van, & Zandvoort, M.J.E. van (2013, May). The effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation on eye movements and visual perception. Mind the Brain Symposium, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Conference posters
Bold text indicates my name, not necessarily the presenter! (Usually that would be the first author.)
- Uh, S., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Astle, D. (2019, September). A longitudinal investigation of developmental pathways to deliberate self-harm. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience, Cambridge, UK.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Bignardi, G., Irvine, A., & Astle, D. (2019, April). Search organisation in multi-target displays can predict educational outcomes in children. Poster presented at the British Neuroscience Association Festival of Neuroscience 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Bignardi, G., Irvine, A., & Astle, D. (2018, March). App-based testing to measure cognition and resilience in education and development. Poster presented at the Cambridge Neuroscience Symposium, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Poullias, C., Somai, R., & Husain, M. (2017, May). When is reward prioritised in visual short-term memory? Poster presented at Vision Science Society’s annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
- Marshall, J., Dalmaijer, E.S., Van der Stigchel, S., Mills, M., & Dodd, M. (2017, May). Examining the influence of task and scene alternations and repetitions on eye movements during scene viewing Poster presented at Vision Science Society’s annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
- Rosen, M., Mills, M., Dalmaijer, E.S., Van der Stigchel, S., & Dodd, M. (2017, May). The relationship between eye movements & memory performance during scene viewing is influenced by viewing mode Poster presented at Vision Science Society’s annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Stokes, M.G., & Husain, M. (2016, November). Is encoding into visual working memory a parallel process? Evidence from statistical modelling and EEG decoding. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Mills, M., Rosen, M.L., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Dodd, M.D. (2016, November). Variance Decomposition of Two Million Eye Movements: A Guide for Focusing Resources in Scene Perception Research. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA, USA.
- Rosen, M.L., Mills, M., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Dodd, M.D. (2016, November). The relationship between eye movements & task performance depends on how quickly observers settle into a particular mode of viewing. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA, USA.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., & Husain, M. (2016, May). Is encoding into visual working memory a serial process? Poster presented at Vision Science Society’s annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
- Van Uijen, S. L., Engelhard, I. M., & Dalmaijer, E. S. (2016, April). Not all safety behaviors maintain threat beliefs. Paper presented at the 8th European Meeting on Human Fear Conditioning (EMHFC), Soesterberg, the Netherlands.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Nijenhuis, B.G., & Van der Stigchel, S. (2015, December). Life is unfair, and so is speed skating: Some athletes can randomly benefit from alerting effects due to inconsistent starting procedures. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Dutch Psychonomic Society (NVP Winter Conference), Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands. [poster, abstract booklet]
- Van Uijen, S. L., Engelhard, I. M., & Dalmaijer, E. S. (2015, November). Avoidance behavior maintains threat beliefs. In H. Levy and A. Radomsky, Employ or Eliminate? Novel Experimental Investigations of Safety Behavior in CBT. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Chicago, USA.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., & Husain, M. (2015, August). Visual working memory resources are dynamically redistributed to saccade targets before saccade onset. Poster accepted at the European Conference on Eye Movements, Vienna, Austria. [abstract booklet]
- Mathôt, S., Van der Linden, L., Ort, E., Schreij, D., Van der Stigchel, S., & Dalmaijer, E.S. (2015, August). Easy as Py: Eye Tracking with OpenSesame and PyGaze. Poster accepted at the European Conference on Eye Movements, Vienna, Austria. [abstract booklet]
- Defoe, I.N., Dubas, J.S., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Van Aken, M.A.G. (2015, May). Is the Peer Presence Effect on Heightened Adolescent Risky Decision Making Only Present in Males? Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, USA.
- Van Uijen, S. L., Engelhard, I. M., & Dalmaijer, E. S. (2015, May). Avoidance behavior maintains threat beliefs. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), New York, USA.
- Bahle, B., Mills, M., Dalmaijer, E.S., Van der Stigchel, S., & Dodd, M.D. (2015). The effects of task- and switch-predictability on oculomotor inhibition of return during visual search. Journal of Vision, 15(12), p. 777.
- Mills, M., Bahle, B., Dalmaijer, E.S., Van der Stigchel, S., & Dodd, M.D. (2015). Effects of task- and switch-predictability on task-switching during scene viewing. Journal of Vision, 15(12), p. 778.
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Van der Stigchel, S, Nijboer, T.C., Cornelissen, T.H., & Husain, M. (2014, October). CancellationTools: All-in-One Software to Collect and Analyse Multi-Target Visual Search Data, Oxford, United Kingdom. [poster]
- Dodd, M., Mills, M., Dalmaijer, E., & Stigchel, S. V. der. (2014). The influence of task set and task switching on visual behavior. Journal of Vision, 14(10), p. 710. doi:10.1167/14.10.710
- Grubaugh, J., Mills, M., Bahle, B., Dalmaijer, E., Stigchel, S. V. der, & Dodd, M. (2014). Changing how you search alters the influence of memory on attentional allocation and eye movements. Journal of Vision, 14(10), p. 1072. doi:10.1167/14.10.1072
- Mills, M., Dalmaijer, E., Stigchel, S. V. der, & Dodd, M. D. (2014). Influence of task switching on inhibition of return and scan paths. Journal of Vision, 14(10), p. 98. doi:10.1167/14.10.98
- Pas, S. F. te, Pont, S. C., Dalmaijer, E. S., & Hooge, I. T. C. (2014). When comparing illumination conditions observers rely more on cast shadows than on highlights and shading. Journal of Vision, 14(10), p. 70. doi:10.1167/14.10.70
- Dalmaijer, E.S., Van der Stigchel, S., Linden, L. van der, Kruijne, W., Schreij, D., & Mathôt, S. (2013). OpenSesame opens the door to open-source and user-friendly eye-tracking research. In K. Holmqvist, F. Mulvey & R. Johansson (Eds.), Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6, p. 547. Lund, Sweden, ECEM. [poster, abstract book]
- Pas, S.F. te, Pont, S.C., Dalmaijer, E.S., & Hooge, I.T.C. (2013). Observers rely more on shadows than on shading and highlights in comparing illumination conditions. Perception, 42, ECVP Abstract Supplement, p. 66.